A primitive country quilt that is as much a work of art as it is a cosy blanket for cool nights. The Maisie Quilt features a soft, quilted design with complex log cabin blocks in a courthouse steps style that perfectly surrounds classic eight-point star designs. Blocks feature dainty florals and rustic plaids in shades of red, black and soft tan.
The premium quilt is machine washable and iron safe and crafted in 100 percent cotton for a soft feel and durable wear. Reverses to a black and natural tan buffalo plaid. Matching accessories available to order separately.
A traditional pattern in warm tones of tan, black and burgundy add a comforting feel...
Based on early American quilt designs, the guiding star pattern is done in navy blue...
Reproduction Guiding Star cushion with a guiding star design in navy blue on a tan tea...
A wonderful reproduction quilt featuring a navy blue guiding star pattern on a tan tea...